March 200 Club Result

Picture of BelvoirCC


The result of the March Draw for the 200 Club is as follows:

1st   Trevor Butler    £43

2nd  Tim Gilbertson  £33

3rd   Pat Dyer      £22

Once I have been confirmed by the bank as a signatory the Cheques will be in the post ! 

Having just taken over the running of the 200 club I am amazed at how few current players are members. All it takes is a monthly standing order of £4 , to download the Standing Order Mandate Click Here or set one up on line. The sort code is: 60-09-09 account number: 32222378 .

Half the stake goes to raise money for the club and half is handed out a prizes in the monthly draw. Another 20 members would raise nearly £500 per year for the club, all for the cost of a pint per month ! For more details please email me at 


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Scott Nicolson

Scott can be contacted using the above contact details.

Scott is seen in action here playing for Belvoir in the Grantham and Melton Sunday League.

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